Wednesday, June 15, 2011

{Beer Shower}

Beer showers. For those of you who don't know what this means, let me fill you in. Often, a beer shower refers to the time in college when one would drink (or, to keep it even classier, shotgun) a beer while taking a shower. This would likely occur before a tailgate, party or venture out to a nearby bar...or just because you didn't have class at the time. Yes, I'm sure many of you know what I am talking about...and some of you may continue to hold on to this ritual of sorts even as an adult...

Well, interestingly enough...there is another good reason to bring a beer into the shower! The other night my sweetheart and I shared a couple of brewskies over some delicious grilled stir-fry...and I found myself with almost an entire beer leftover and no desire to finish it (shameful, I know). Now, I'm not really the beer drinking kind; I tend to stick to champagne, wines & cocktails...but every now and then you just gotta drink one, especially on a hot day. So here I am with an almost-room-temperature beer and I'm I decided to save it for my rinse my hair with...

See, another great benefit of beer (for all of you non-drinkers & drinkers alike) is the fact that it leaves your hair soft, shiny & frizz-free! Once (or so) a month, simply shampoo your hair like you normally would and then do a final rinse with a can of room temperature beer! Beer contains high levels of vitamin B and natural sugars that help hair become thicker & more voluminous. It is also a great, natural way to rid your hair of product residue. Pour the beer from the forehead, rub it into your hair (not scalp), let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse completely with cold water. I like the scent of beer, but for those of you who do not wish to smell like a frat worries, it will dissipate quickly. Try it out!

It's true...all girls can learn to love beer!

Images via Google


  1. Absolutely love this! Although, my man would think I have gone crazy to "waste" beer on my hair, ha ha!

  2. Tmo - Hahaha! Hey, you should tell him at least there is a naked woman with a beer in hand!

  3. What a crazy idea! I might have to try this - I have serious frizzy issues some days, haha.

  4. Lauren - It really does work! You've gotta try it!!
