Accentuate your space with...
I'm sold on the 3-tier holder, and I like having smaller dishes to put rings in as well. Not sure about the necklace board for me personally, but it looks pretty here.
Just to reinforce the idea of putting your rings in classic dishes :)
Now this makes a little more sense, but would probably be a DIY project. I like the idea of having a custom-made jewelry holder, and this would be the perfect way to keep a lot of pieces on display. I don't know about you, but I go through my jewelry once a year to giveaway all of the the pieces I no longer wear in an effort to put to good use that which I still like!
Another DIY project. I am in love with unique knobs from stores like Anthropologie, so this is a great way you can use them for things other than doors and dressers ;)
Another example of a great way to use knobs! I think we all know where I'm going with this idea...especially considering I like using dishes as well!
A great idea for housing both jewelry and smaller items in a drawer. If this was the doing of a tall, dark & handsome straight male...I might literally die and go to heaven.

Images via Pinterest
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